The Influence Of Social Media Marketing On Purchasing Decisions Of Students Yovie Music School Antapani Bandung


  • Zevy Rizky Yusrahamdani Telkom University
  • Ama Suyanto Telkom University


Abstract Social media has been used as a means of marketing products or what is commonly referred to as social media marketing. Yovie Music School is an Industry-based music school and promotes using social media. This study has attempted to explore the multidimensional use of social media marketing. The research area that must be considered is the marketing strategy, one of which is quite important is how the students enrollment decisions against Yovie Music School. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social media marketing on purchasing decisions at Yovie Music School Antapani branch, Bandung. The research method used by researchers is quantitative research methods and descriptive methods with the unit of analysis are students at the Yovie Music School Antapani Branch, Bandung. Sources of data analysis were carried out by distributing questionnaires as many as 172 respondents consisting of 76 men and 96 women, and also consists of 60 students aged 5-15 years, 32 students aged 15-20 years, 31 students aged 20-25 years, and 49 students over the age of 25 who met the criteria as respondents in this study. In this study, the independent variable (X) is social media marketing, namely Context (X1), Communication (X2), Collaboration (X3), Connection (X4), and the dependent variable is the Enrollment decision (Variable Y). The analysis technique used by researchers to determine how the influence of social media marketing on purchasing decisions is to use the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) approach. And the results show that the effect of Context on Enrollment decision is positive at 0.401, The influence of Communication on purchasing decisions is positive at 0.294, The effect of Collaboration on Enrollment decision has a positive value of 0.363, The effect of Connection on Enrollment decision is positive at 0.304 Keyword: Social Media Marketing; Enrollment Decision; Music School; AMOS






Program Studi S1 International ICT Business