Framing Analysis About Hoaxes For Covid-19 Treatment On (by Robert N.entman On The Period 1-22nd March 2020)


  • Friza Aldila Telkom University
  • Reni Nuraeni Telkom University


ABSTRAK Pada zaman serba online seperti sekarang, media online merupakan platform yang menjadi acuan masyarakat pada zaman sekarang untuk sekedar mencari informasi ataupun mencari berita terupdate yang terjadi di sekitar mereka atau diseluruh dunia sekalipun. Masyarakat masih banyak menyebarkan hoax pada saat pandemic ini melalui berbagai platform. Pemberitaan terbanyak di Indonesia yang menjadi ranking kedua penyebaran hoax yaitu penyebaran hoax mengenai kesehatan. Media memiliki bingkai tersendiri dalam memberitakan peristiwa hoax pengobatan Covid-19 ini, salah satunya portal media Penelitian ini bertujuan unutk mengetahui bagaimana membingkai pemberitaan hoax pengobatan Covid-19, menggunakan bingkai model Robert N. Entman melalui seleksi isu dan penonjolan aspek. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme dan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini dalam menyeleksi isu, cenderung melihat peristiwa hoax pengobatan Covid-19 sebagai kesalahan masyarakat dalam menerima informasi di media online yang beredar. Dalam penonjolan aspek, dilihat dari penulisan fakta cenderung menonjolkan masalah kebenaran dari hoax pengobatan Covid-19. Kata Kunci: Analisis Framing, Robert N. Entman, Hoax, Covid-19 ABSTRACT In this era of being completely online, online media is a platform that is a reference for people today to simply find information or look for the latest news that is happening around them or even in the world. The public still has a lot of hoaxes at the time of this pandemic through various platforms. The most coverage in Indonesia, which ranks second in the spread of hoaxes, is the spread of hoaxes about health. The media has a life frame in reporting the Covid-19 hoax, one of which is the media portal. This study aims to find out how frames Covid-19 treatment hoax reporting, using the Robert N. Entman model frame through issue selection and aspect prominence. This study uses a constructivism paradigm and qualitative methods. The results of research in selecting problems, tends to see the hoax incident of Covid-19 treatment as a public mistake in receiving information in incoming online media. In the highlighting aspect, judging by the fact that is proven to be true of the fake Covid-19 treatment Keywords: Framing Analysis, Robert N.Entman, Hoax, Covid-19






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi