Pengaruh Krebilitas Influencer Abel Cantika Terhadap Sikap Pada Brand Emina Cosmetics


  • Intan Putri Fatimah Telkom University
  • Rah Utami Nugrahani Telkom University


ABSTRAK Produk kosmetik lokal yang banyak tersedia di supermarket, department store, pusat kosmetik maupun yang ditawarkan dari internet semakin beragam dan pilihannya yang semakin bervariasi. Semakin beragamnya produk menjadikan persaiangan strategi pemasaran lebih kreatif dan inovatif untuk menarik perhatian calon konsumen kosmetik. Top 5 most talked about brands on twitter 2017 didapatkan lima nama brand yang paling sering dibicarakan nitizen yaitu Wardah dengan 500 posts, Sariayu 399 posts, Purbasari 278 posts, Emina 238 posts dan yang terakhir adalah Mustika Ratu sebanyak 75 posts. Masuk nya brand emina menjadi lima besar brand kosmetik yang paling sering dibicarakan oleh netizen menandakan bahwa strategi pemasaran cukup efektif melihat emina merupakan brand baru dibandingkan kompetitor lainnya. Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi konsumen memilih brand adalah komunikasi pemasaran dengan menggunakan influencer. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara kredibilitas influencer terhadap sikap pada brand. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel independen yaitu kredibilitas influencer dengan dimensi Trustworthy, Expertise dan Attractives. Variabel dependen yaitu sikap pada brand dengan dimensi yaitu brand believe, brand evalution dan intention to buy. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah remaja pengguna produk emina di kota Bandung dengan perhitungan sampel sebesar 100 responden. Penelitian ini memakai metode deskriptif korelasional dan dengan memakai pendekatan kuantitatif, karena betujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang pengaruh kredibilitas influencer dengan sikap pada merek. Hasil analisis variabel kredibilitas influencer yang memiliki tiga dimensi yaitu Trustworthy, Expertise dan Attractives. Untuk bagian Trustworthy terdiri dari lima indikator sedangkan Expertise terdiri dari tiga indikator dan Attractive terdiri dari tiga indikator. Variabel kredibilitas influencer memiliki total 11 item pertanyaan untuk bagian Trustworthy memiliki 5 pertanyaan dan bagian Expertise memiliki 3 serta bagian Attractives mempunyai 3 pertanyaan. Keseluruhan jumlah total skor dan persentase ratarata dimensi Trustworthy adalah 1720 dengan persentase 86%. Keseluruhan jumlah total skor dan persentase rata-rata dimensi expertise adalah 1023 dengan persentase 85,25%. Keseluruhan jumlah total skor dan persentase rata-rata dimensi Attractives adalah 1063 dengan persentase 88,58%. Hasil analisis variabel sikap pada brand yang memiliki tiga dimensi yaitu brand believe, brand evalution dan intention to buy. Untuk bagian brand believe terdiri dari tiga indikator sedangkan brand evalution terdiri dari tiga indikator dan intention to buy terdiri dari tiga indikator. Variabel sikap pada brand memiliki total 9 item pertanyaan untuk bagian brand believe memiliki 3 pertanyaan dan bagian brand evalution memiliki 3 serta bagian intention to buy mempunyai 3 pertanyaan. Keseluruhan jumlah total skor dan persentase rata-rata dimensi brand believe adalah 980 dengan persentase 81,67%. Keseluruhan jumlah total skor dan persentase rata-rata dimensi private acceptance adalah 1015 dengan persentase 84,25%. Keseluruhan jumlah total skor dan persentase rata-rata dimensi intention to buy adalah 927 dengan persentase 77,25%. Besar pengaruh antara variabel X dan Y dilakukan uji regresi linear sederhana yang Y = 11,430+ 0.550 X yang artinya Nilai konstanta ï¡ sebesar 11,430 memiliki arti bahwa apabila variabel kredibilitas influencer (X) bernilai nol atau sikap pada brand (Y) tidak dipengaruhi oleh kredibilitas influencer, maka rata-rata kredibilitas influencer terhadap sikap pada brand bernilai sekitar 11,430. Sedangkan koefisien regresi b memiliki sebuah arti jika variabel kredibilitas influencer (X) meningkat sebesar satu satuan, maka sikap pada brand (Y) akan meningkat sebesar 0.550. Berdasarkan hasil Uji - t menunjukkan bahwa nilai t hitung (7.096) > t tabel (1.984), dan dengan koefisien determinasi 33,9% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 66,1% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata Kunci: Kredibilitas, influencer, sikap pada brand ISSN : 2355-9357 e-Proceeding of Management : Vol.8, No.2 April 2021 | Page 1866ABSTRACT Local cosmetic products that are widely available in supermarkets, department stores, cosmetic centers and those offered from the internet are increasingly diverse and the choices are increasingly varied. The increasing variety of products makes marketing strategies more creative and innovative to attract the attention of potential cosmetic consumers. The top 5 most talked about brands on twitter 2017 found the five most talked about brands by nitizens, namely Wardah with 500 posts, Sariayu 399 posts, Purbasari 278 posts, Emina 238 posts and finally Mustika Ratu with 75 posts. The entry of the Emina brand into the top five cosmetic brands most frequently discussed by netizens indicates that the marketing strategy is quite effective because Emina is a new brand compared to other competitors. One of the factors that can influence consumers to choose a brand is marketing communication using influencers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of influencers' credibility on brand attitudes. This study uses an independent variable, namely influencer credibility with the dimensions of Trustworthy, Expertise and Attractives. The dependent variable is the attitude towards the brand with dimensions namely brand believe, brand evaluation and intention to buy. The population in this study were adolescent users of Emina products in Bandung with a sample calculation of 100 respondents. This study uses a descriptive correlational method and uses a quantitative approach, because it aims to describe the influence of influencers' credibility with attitudes on brands. The results of the analysis of influencer credibility variables that have three dimensions, namely Trustworthy, Expertise and Attractives. Trustworthy consists of five indicators, while Expertise consists of three indicators and Attractive consists of three indicators. The influencer credibility variable has 11 question items for the Trustworthy section has 5 questions and the Expertise section has 3 and the Attractives section has 3 questions. The overall total score and the average percentage of Trustworthy dimensions is 1720 with a percentage of 86%. The overall total score and the average percentage of expertise dimension is 1023 with a percentage of 85.25%. The overall total score and the average percentage of Attractives dimensions is 1063 with a percentage of 88.58%. The results of the analysis of attitude variables on brands that have three dimensions, namely brand believe, brand evaluation and intention to buy. The brand believe section consists of three indicators, while brand evaluation consists of three indicators and the intention to buy consists of three indicators. The attitude variable on the brand has 9 question items, the brand believe section has 3 questions and the brand evaluation section has 3 and the intention to buy section has 3 questions. The overall total score and the average percentage of the brand believe dimension is 980 with a percentage of 81.67%. The overall total score and the average percentage of the private acceptance dimension is 1015 with a percentage of 84.25%. The overall total score and the average percentage of the intention to buy dimension is 927 with a percentage of 77.25%. The magnitude of the influence between variables X and Y is carried out by a simple linear regression h means that if the influencer credibility variable (X) is zero or the attitude towards the brand (Y) is not influenced by the influencer's credibility. , then the average influencer's credibility of brand attitudes is around 11,430. While the regression coefficient b has a meaning that if the influencer credibility variable (X) increases by one unit, then the attitude towards the brand (Y) will increase by 0.550. Based on the results of the t-test, it shows that the value of t count (7,096)> t table (1,984), and with a determination coefficient of 33.9% while the remaining 66.1% is influenced by other factors. Keywords: Credibility, influencer, brand attitude






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi