The Effect Of E-service Quality On E-customer Satisfaction Of Dana Application


  • Zacky Muhamad Ghifari Telkom University
  • Syahputra Syahputra Telkom University


Most of Internet-based companies offer digital wallet services based on the development of financial technology. One of them is PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTEK), which offers DANA as the application to make the users easily use financial transactions with their existing account without having to go through several steps that would otherwise be required. Nowadays, the quality of e-service is one of the important things that must be improved by companies. Thus, this study aims to show the relationship between E-Service Quality and E-Customer Satisfaction of DANA application. The quantitative descriptive and causal method is used in this research based on the EService Quality and E-Customer Satisfaction of DANAs’ customers. Where the sampling technique that used is simple random sampling technique, which amounted to 100 respondents who already used the service of DANA application in Indonesia to fill the questionnaire in this research. Based on the descriptive analysis, E-Service Quality obtained the percentage score of 80%. While E-Customer Satisfaction obtained the percentage score of 77%. Based on the t-test EService Quality partially has a significant effect on E-Customer Satisfaction. Then, EService Quality also has an effect of 75.2% on E-Customer Satisfaction of DANA application. Based on the customers’ perceptions of E-Service Quality, DANA must improve the term of Personalization regarding the feature requested by customers. Then, DANA can maintain the term of Interface Design, where DANA has an attractive, well-organized appearance, and easy to complete a transaction. For ECustomer Satisfaction, DANA can maintain the term of Convenience regarding the ease of uses of DANAs’ features, where it has the highest score. While DANA must improve the term of Merchandising, Site Design, Security, and Serviceability. Keywords: E-Service Quality, E-Customer Satisfaction, DANA






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis