The Influence Of Brand Image And Product Price On Starbucks Coffee Buying Decision (a Case Study Of Starbucks Coffee Buyers (customers) In Bandung City)


  • Nazwa Aulia Rahmah Telkom University
  • Mahir Pradana Telkom University


In this developing era, the phenomenon of coffee that continues to grow has become part of the lifestyle of the Indonesian people. This growth was followed by the increasing number of coffee lovers and coffee shop businesses in Indonesia. This can be seen from the proliferation of coffee shops in recent years, especially in the city of Bandung. The level of coffee consumption by the Indonesian people has also increased every year since 2016. The phenomenon of drinking coffee in a coffee shop has become a habit of today's urban communities, such as in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, and other big cities. Coffee shops like Starbucks have become a lifestyle for young people and executives alike. By visiting the coffee shop, various facilities also seem to be obtained for free, such as wifi. With so many coffee shops in the city of Bandung, consumers are faced with confusion in choosing a coffee shop because of the many choices of coffee shops on the market. Therefore, companies need a superior strategy to be able to compete. This study aims to see The Influence of Brand Image and Product Prices on Starbucks Coffee Purchase Decisions. The method used is a quantitative method with purposive sampling type. The sample that will be taken in this study is 100 people who are Starbucks Coffee consumers., and data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results showed that Brand Image and Price at Starbucks Coffee had a significant influence on Purchase Decision. Keywords: Brand Image, Price, Purchase Decision, Starbucks Coffee






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis