Representasi Topeng Dali Dalam Serial Film (analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Serial Film Spanyol Money Heist)


  • Dwiaria Nurnabila Telkom University
  • Dimas Satrio Wijaksono Telkom University


Abstract The actor in the Spanish film series "Money Heist" always wears a Salvador Dali-face mask while in the Royal Mint of Spain, this attracts attention because of the selection of masks used. This research was conducted to determine the representation of Dali's mask in the Spanish film series Money Heist by examining the meaning of Denotation, Connotation, and Myth using Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis theory. The purpose of this study is to analyze and find out how the form of representation of the Dali mask in the Money Heist series who used by actors. The method in this research is qualitative method and uses constructivism paradigm. The unit of analysis is taken by watching the entire series of films on the Netflix streaming platform, then identifying the scene that can be researched and taken using a screenshot technique. the researcher found nine scenes and backgrounds which showed the representation of Dali's mask as a form of rebellion. From the results, the researchers found that the form of rebellion in Denotative meaning, is represented by raising a gun, holding a weapon, taking the police hostage. In Connotation meaning is represented through the scene when the actor behaves furiously, seriously, cruelly and evilly. The meaning of Myth is represented when the actor acts mysterious, passionate, strong, scary, powerful, great and doesn't want to lose. Keywords: Representation; Roland Barthes; Semiotics; Dali’s Mask, Money Heist Abstrak Aktor dalam serial film Spanyol Money Heist selalu memakai topeng wajah Salvador Dali saat berada di Royal Mint of Spain, hal ini menarik perhatian karena pemilihan topeng yang digunakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui representasi topeng dali dalam serial film Spanyol Money Heist dengan mengkaji makna Denotasi, Konotasi, dan Mitos menggunakan teori analisis semiotika Roland Barthes. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui bagaimana bentuk representasi dari makna topeng dali dalam serial film Money Heist yang digunakan aktor. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dan menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme. Pengambilan unit analisis penelitian dilakukan dengan menonton keseluruhan serial film pada platform streaming Netflix, lalu diidentifikasi adegan yang dapat menjadi bahan penelitian dan diambil menggunakan teknik tangkap layar (screenshot). Peneliti mendapatkan sembilan buah scene adegan dan latar yang didalamnya menunjukkan representasi dari topeng dali sebagai bentuk pemberontakkan. Dari hasil tersebut ditemukan bahwa bentuk pemberontakkan secara makna Denotasi, terepresentasi melalui adegan mengangkat pistol, memegang kuat senapan, menyandera polisi. Secara makna Konotasi terepresentasi melalui adegan saat aktor bertingkah laku geram, serius, kejam dan jahat. Secara makna Mitos terepresentasi saat adegan aktor bertingkah laku misterius, bersemangat, kuat, menakut-nakuti, berkuasa, hebat dan tidak mau kalah. Keywords: Representasi; Roland Barthes; Semiotika; Topeng Dali; Money Heist






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi