Marketing Communication Strategy Of Jojonomic Company On Selling Jojotimes Product Through Instagram


  • Niniyah Zuriyah Syahrani Sangadji Telkom University
  • Maylanny Christin Telkom University


In this pandemic and digital era, people tend to do businesses online. Jojonomic Company is a startup company who just started their business. Their business is focusing on HR systems, systems that made to simplify others company job. Jojotimes is one of Jojonomic product. Jojotimes is an online attadance system that can be access from your mobile phone. Since the beginning of Jojonomic was made, they used Instagram as their media for selling and advertising their product. Instagram is one of the famous social media for doing business. This research is focusing on how marketing communication strategy of Jojonomic Company on selling Jojotimes Product through Instagram. The strategy is focusing on the message strategy and media strategy that been used by Jojonomic Company.
Keywords: instagram, marketing communication strategy, digital and pandemic era






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi