Analisis Sentimen dan Topic Modelling Terhadap Tim Nasional Indonesia di Kejuaraan AFF Suzuki Cup 2020 Berdasarkan Opini Pengguna Twitter


  • Muhamad Hadiyan Sidik Telkom University
  • Sri Widiyanesti Telkom University
  • Dian Puteri Ramadhani Telkom University


Football is the most popular sport in Indonesia. During the Covid-19 pandemic, several football tournaments have been postponed. Most Indonesians do not agree with the postponement. When the AFF Suzuki Cup championship was held, the enthusiasm of the Indonesian people for the tournament was very high. The topic of the national team and the championship is trending on Twitter social media. This study aims to find out how the national team's supporters perceive the national team and to find out the sentiment, the overall topic of conversation, the topic of conversation with positive and negative sentiments of Twitter users towards the Indonesian National Team in the 2020 AFF Suzuki Cup championship. The study uses a naive bayes algorithm to classify. Naive Bayes algorithm is used because it has a high level of accuracy in classifying. The topic modeling research was conducted using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). This research uses Rstudio and Rapid Miner software.
There are 10,000 reviews collected at the time specified for the study. The data used for the dataset is 1247 tweets with a division of 70% for training data and 30% for test data. The results obtained in the nave Bayes method get a positive sentiment of 62% and 38% have a negative sentiment. These results illustrate that the results of tweets regarding the Indonesian national team in the AFFC Suzuki Cup 2020 event are positive.






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)