Perilaku Menyimpang Dalam Film “Yuni” (Analisis Semiotika Ferdinand de Saussure Tentang Perilaku Menyimpang dalam Film “Yuni”)


  • Muhammad Nur Fauzi Muslim Telkom University
  • Twin Agus Pramonojati Telkom University


Deviant behavior is one of the social phenomena that often occurs when individuals or groups in a society take actions that are contrary to the rules that apply in society, this is done when someone is conscious or unconscious. Deviant behavior also includes all behavior, immoral acts, and acts that violate religion, moral values, legal rules that exist in society, so that they have a bad impact so that they can harm themselves and others. Juvenile delinquency is one of the social problems that exist in Indonesia with various forms of deviation and is considered a matter of concern. The impact caused by juvenile delinquency can no longer be considered a normal delinquency, because it has violated the law. Adolescence is one of the most vulnerable periods when compared to other developmental periods. Adolescence is very complicated because the development of adolescence is a time to find one's identity. The form of juvenile delinquency deviant behavior besides occurring in everyday life is often wrapped in a work, one of which is a film. Keywords-deviant behavior, juvenile delinquency film, semiotics ferdinand de saussure






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi