Representation Of Disability Life In A Patriarchal Society On Anime Film Josee The Tiger And The Fish (Using Roland Barthes Semiotic Method)


  • Georhizky Alfrizio Bahari Sutomo Telkom University
  • Adrio Kusmareza Adim Telkom University


Josee the Tiger and the Fish is one of the romance genre anime films produced in 2020. The anime film focuses on the boss and servant relationship shown by characters named Josee and Tsuneo. Josee is a woman in a wheelchair and has a Tsundere stature, this is different from the stature of women with special needs in other anime which is described as kind and gentle. In this research, the film uses qualitative research methods using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes which contains elements of denotation, connotation and myth. The purpose of using this approach is to find the representation of disability life in a patriarchal world in the anime film Josee the Tiger and the Fish in the context of denotation, connotation and myth. As an entertainment medium, the anime film Josee the Tiger and the Fish successfully represents defabel life in a patriarchal world which is depicted in the relationship between Boss and Servant that is forged by Josee and Tsuneo. The author of this study uses aspects of Verbal Communication and NonVerbal Communication as the unit of analysis in this study because it has the meaning of disability life in a patriarchal society in it. Keywords-semiotics, disability, patriarchy, verbal communication, non-verbal communication






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi