The Influence Of Green Advertising And Green Brand Image On The Green Purchase Intention Of Garnier’s Product In Bandung Metropolis Area


  • Khalid Izzatul Akbar Telkom University
  • Nurfani Rubiyanti Telkom University


The plastic waste has become the crucial for human life, it is lowering the quality of the environment, take huge space to placed and hard to manage. This study is aims to determine the influence of green advertising and green brand image on green purchase intention of Garnier’s products, the brand that promoting the greener step to reduce the plastic waste issues and the awareness for the environmental issues from the corporate parties. The object on this research is a consumer of Garnier in Bandung metropolitan area. this research conducted is quantitative with the descriptive analysis method. the sampling method is using nonprobability sampling and purposive sampling techniques that distributed to 100 respondents. The result from this research could be concluded that the independent variables of green advertising and green brand image has significant influence on green purchase intention partially and simultaneously.

Keywords: Green advertising, Green Brand Image, Green Purchase Intention






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis