The Effect Of Service Quality To Customer Satisfaction Of D’Primahotel Bandung


  • Naura Salsabila Telkom University
  • Heppy Millanyani Telkom University


D'primahotel Bandung is a 4-star hotel located in Sukajadi area, Bandung. It has a building of 6000 m2 with eight
floors, equipped with guest room facilities, swimming pool, playground, ballroom, and meeting room. Based on
reviews from visitors on the website there are negative review about the problems complained by
consumers. The negative assessment must certainly be handled, so that the company can defend against the emergence
of competitors in similar business fields. This study aims to determine the quality of service in which there are
dimensions of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy to consumers from D'primahotel Bandung.
The results of this research are expected to be used as input for companies when formulating strategies in competing.
The method used in this research is a quantitative method, namely descriptive and causal research. The technique used
in sampling is Non-Probability Sampling with the type of Purposive Sampling using a questionnaire with 384
respondents. This study used multiple linear regression data analysis techniques, using SPSS software. The hypothesis
shows that the variables tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy have a positive and significant
relationship with consumer satisfaction variables both partially and simultaneously.
Keywords-service quality, customer satisfaction


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Program Studi S1 International ICT Business