The Effect Of Good Corporate Governance On Stock Returns In The Non- Cyclical Sector Indexed In Lq45


  • Dafa Munif Ramadhan Telkom University
  • Astrie Krisnawati Telkom University


The company will be very careful in publishing financial statements and other matters relating to company
performance because it will be a consideration of investors in making investment decisions. The main objective of this
research is to analyze the effect of good corporate governance, which consists of Board of Directors, Independent
Commissioner, and Audit Committee, on Stock Returns either partially or simultaneously. he population in this study
are Non-Cyclical sector companies indexed LQ45 2017-2021. The data processing method used in this study is a
quantitative method in the form of descriptive statistical analysis, panel data regression analysis, classical assumption
test (normality test, multicollinearity test and heteroscedasticity test) and hypothesis testing using the coefficient of
determination test, statistical t test, and statistical F test. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously
independent commissioners, audit committees, and boards of directors have no effect on stock returns. While partially,
there are no independent variables that affect stock returns.

Keywords-Stock Returns, Board of Directors, Independent Commissioner, Audit Committee.


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