Purchase Decision (Study At: Delia Hijab Sukabumi)


  • Muhammad Raka Pawitra Abdul Nashr Telkom University
  • Herry Irawan Telkom University


Business competition at this time, calls all companies to reply and meet customer wishes by using continuing to
create new innovations. businesses should layout a marketing strategy, particularly STP (segmentation,
concentrated on and positioning) that is accurate to win marketplace competition. This study aims to determine
the effect of STP on purchasing decisions. The method of analysis of this research is quantitative. The population
of this study were Delia Hijab consumers who were also used as a sample which was taken as many as 100. The
sampling technique was simple convenience. The results of this study indicate that Segmentation, Targeting, and
Positioning simultaneously have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Segmentation partially has a
positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. Targeting partially positive and significant influence
on purchasing decisions. Positioning is partially positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions.
Delia Hijab is one of the well-known shops in the city of Sukabumi, for the future it must have a better image so
that consumers will feel more satisfied with the products offered and will make consumers buy long-term

Keywords-Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning, Purchase Decision


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Program Studi S1 International ICT Business