Analisis Jaringan Komunikasi Tagar #Prayforkanjuruhan Di Media Sosial Twitter


  • Dhanu Aryanto Telkom University
  • Catur Nugroho Telkom University


This research focuses on communication network analysis methods that discuss the relationships in communication
networks on the hashtag #PrayForKanjuruhan on Twitter social media. This study aimed to find out the pattern of
communication networks, the role of actors in the network, and the critical actors in the communication network with
the hashtag #PrayForKanjuruhan for 1 October 3 30 November 2022. This research uses a qualitative method with
a descriptive communication network analysis approach. Researchers chose four main actors in disseminating
information related to the keyword or #PrayForKanjuruhan hashtag, namely @panditfootball, @detikcom,
@VICE_ID, @NarasiNewsroom. The results of the study reveal that each actor has a wheel network pattern; for roles
that are calculated through Degree Centrality, Betweenness Centrality, Closeness Centrality, Eigenvector Centrality,
the actor who has the most dominant role, and the critical actor from the network, namely @panditfootball with the
highest centrality value among the three actors but has the lowest density of 0.001.

Keywords-communication network analysis, #prayforkanjuruhan, twitter, relation, actor.


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Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi