The Influence Of E-Service Quality On The Customer Satisfaction In Bandung


  • Rima Martiannisa Assifa Telkom University
  • Herry Irawan Telkom University


With the rapid development of technology today, people do digital activities everyday. The benefits of technological
development felt by the community are that online food delivery (OFD) are increasingly popular. Gofood is a food
delivery service provided by Gojek and has worked with more than hundrends of thousands of merchants throughout
Indonesia. Gofood is run by motorcycle, taxi drivers who have become Gojek members. The number of Goek
drivers makes ordering Gofood services faster. The purpose of this study is how much influence e-service quality has
an customer satisfaction with Gofood services. The metjod used in this research is qquantitaive method with
descriptive approach. Likert scale is used as a measurement scale and the data analysis used is multiple linear
regression, partial test (t-test), simultaneous test (F test) and the coefficient of determination. In this study using non
probability sampling techniques with purposive sampling type. By sing the Bernoulli formul, the the questionnaire
was distributed to 400 respondents and data processing using SPSS. The research results from descriptive analysis
reveal that the variable studied, namely e- service quality and customer satisfaction, are in the good category with a
percentage of each variable, namely e-service quality of 74.4% and customer satisfaction of 74.8%. then for the
results of hypothesis testing both partially and simultaneously, both show that there is a significant influence between
e-service quality on Gofood customer satisfaction in Bandung. The contribution of the influence of the independent
variable e-service quality on the dependent variable customer satisfaction is 69.8%, while the remaining 30.2% is
the contribution of the influence of other variables outside this study such as e-strust, product and price.

Keywords-e-service quality,customer satisfaction


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Program Studi S1 International ICT Business