Business Model Analysis On Project X Event Organizer With Business Model Canvas Approach


  • Muhamad Singgih Farizki Putra Telkom University
  • Siska Eka Fitria Telkom University
  • Jurry Hatammimi Telkom University


Project X event organizer is a company engaged in the event organizer. Event organizer Project X is an event organizer
company focusing on entertainment. Event organizer Project X was founded on November 20, 2019, to create
unforgettable experiences. Through events focusing on the central concept of space adventure as a platform for every
occasion, Project X also provides entertainment through Disc Jockey, both resident/non-residents. This study's results
contribute to business strategy research by using Business Model Canvas to analyze and map strategies. The results of this
study can be used as a reference for further research and add insight into the business model canvas. The research method
used is a descriptive qualitative method. The primary data collection technique uses semi-structured interviews. The
research results show that Project X needs for regional expansion, taking human resources from outside for the company's
progress, choosing the same place but developing a broader theme, and taking other genres to be able to compete better
with more robust competitors. The suggestions for Project X Event Organizer is can maximize the factors that have been
provided by researchers by improving or utilizing them in running their business.
Keywords-business model analysis, business model canvas, SWOT


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