Understanding Javanese for Telkom University Students to Introduce Javanese to Non-Javanese Speakers


  • Rifta Alifia Putra Pratama Telkom University
  • Catur Nugroho Telkom University


Javanese is a widely spoken regional language in Indonesia. However, many people do not know Javanese and do not
understand Javanese culture. Therefore, this research aims to understand the Javanese language and culture, as well
as provide an understanding of the Javanese language to students who do not know Javanese. This research will discuss
the introduction of the Javanese language for students who do not know Javanese, especially Telkom University
students. The data analysis used in this research is Miles and Huberman's interactive data analysis. The method used
in this research is qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The purpose of this research is to find out
the meaning of the Javanese language by non-Javanese students at Telkom University. The research shows that in
cross-cultural communication between Javanese and non-Javanese students, the use of Javanese by non-Javanese is
limited to the vocabulary mastered, and their understanding of Javanese focuses more on vocabulary than complete

Keywords-college students; cultural identity; intercultural communication; language communication.


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Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi