Pengaruh Digital Right Management Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Aplikasi Pada Apple App Store


  • Sri Agung Swandito Telkom University
  • Listyo Dwi Harsono Telkom University


Bandung city citizens has grown in every single year, this case can be proved by the data which has been collected from the citizens cencus conducted by the Balai Pusat Statistik (Statistic Centre) every ten years. According to the data from, the number of Bandung citizens in 2013 was 2.483.977 , consisted of 1.260.565 male and 1.223.412 female. This research is aimed to know how the impact of Digital Right Management towards application purchasing decision in Apple App Store in Bandung city. This research conducted by spreading questionnaire to 400 respondents who are Apple iOS user living in Bandung. Sampling technique which used is area sampling. This technique uses simple linear regression analysis.This research showed that the impact of Digital Right Management towards application purchasing decision in Apple Store at 40,6%, meanwhile the rest is at 56,4% impacted by othersfactors inaccurately, for example application completion, application quality, and the ease of purchasing and other things which can impact the purchasing decision of Apple user. The suggestion of Apple increases publication about eradication of hijacking application and DRM technology. For instance is by giving special page in App Store about DRM which can easily accessable by Apple user.






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)