Pengaruh Brand Community Wardah Youth Ambassador Terhadap Brand Trust Wardah


  • Sylviana Suci Syahwitri Telkom University
  • Indria Angga Dianita Telkom University


One form of marketing communication that is widely used by companies is building a brand community as a marketing
communication strategy to sell their products. A brand community is a specific community but not geographically
bound, based on structured social relationships between brand admirers. As with other communities, brand
community have three indicators that form a recognizable community, including consciousness of kind, rituals and
traditions, and moral responsibility. This research was conducted with the aim of measuring the magnitude of the
influence of the Wardah Youth Ambassador brand community on Wardah's brand trust. Meanwhile, brand trust is the
willingness of consumers to rely on consumers' abilities to carry out brand functions. In this study, researchers used
the S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response) theory to measure how much influence the Wardah Youth Ambassador
brand community has on consumers' Wardah brand trust. The method used in this research is using a quantitative
approach with data collection techniques using online questionnaires from 384 respondents. The results of the
research conducted by this researcher explain that the Wardah Youth Ambassador brand community has an influence
on 56.3% of Wardah's brand trust, while 43.7% is influenced by other variables not discussed in this research.

Keywords-brand community, brand trust, Wardah Youth ambassador, Wardah


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Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi