Analisis Pengaruh Customer Brand Awareness Terhadap Brand Image Di Instagram Pada Usaha Wallts


  • Billy Nugroho Tyasendy Telkom University
  • Grisna Anggadwita Telkom University


The fashion industry in Indonesia is lately growing rapidly, Bandung as a city that is used as a barometer of fashion in Indonesia provides a new passion of young people for creation.Wallts as a new comer in the fashion industry that is formed in Bandung saw the opportunity to promote their business, in which Wallts figure out how the level of customer brand awareness and brand image in conducting its business pilot. This study aims to look at how much influence customer brand awareness towards brand image ins instagram in the study case of Wallts. This research method is descriptive, causal, and quantitative.where data obtained from the questionnaire.The sampling technique in this research is probability sampling.Questionnaire were distributed to 100 respondents who have purchased products of Wallts. Data analysis technique used is simple linear regression. Based on the resulf of hypothesis testing overall customer brand awareness is partially significant on the brand image in the case of Wallts. This is evidenced by tcount> ttable, is 10.387> 1.6605. Based on customer brand awareness determination coefficient of 52.41% influence on brand image, and the remaining 47.59% influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Keywords : Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Wallts






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)