Representasi Nasionalisme Dalam Film Biografi (studi Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Mengenai Nasionalisme Dalam Film Jenderal Soedirman)


  • Bayu Putra Utama Telkom University
  • Catur Nugroho Telkom University


ABSTRACT Basically film is a “language†presented by filmmakers to describe or representing a reality of human life. Film always record or describe reality of life which continues to grow up and expand in the social life. And then projecting that reality into a screen. This study aims to determine how nationalism is represented through costumes and settings in the film of Jenderal Soedirman. Jenderal Soedirman is a biopic film to tells the figure of a Jenderal Soedirman who fought aginst the colonialist by means of guerrilla to explore the forest and the mountain located in the south of the java island. The focus of this research regarding the representation of nasionalism through costumes and settings in the film of Jenderal Soedirman. By using the descriptive qualitative research methods and data analysis using the selected in Roland Barthes semiotic approach. Has obtained the results of studies showing that contained a representation of the ideology of nationalism as the dominant ideology in the film. The ideology of nationalism his own implied in a costume used by Jenderal Soedirman and setting or background used in several scenes in the film. For example is the costume head cover of kopiah which is a depiction of a self-identity of Indonesian as well as a form of resistance against the colonialist.

Keywords : film, nationalism, representation, semiotic






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi