Pengaruh Ariel Noah Sebagai Brand Ambassador Greenlight Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Di Kota Bandung


  • Reygi Agitia Setiawan Telkom University
  • Yuliani Rachma Putri Telkom University
  • Ayub Ilfandy Imran Telkom University


The Influence Of Ariel Noah As The Brand Ambassador Greenlight Of The Decision The Purchase Of Consumers Bandung City. In this research raised phenomena about how influential brand ambassador greenlight of ithe decision the purchase of consumers bandung .Where the company in form an image of brand their products ( the brand image of building ) , recruit a musician namely nazril irham the usual we knew as ariel noah as the brand ambassador greenlight products .Until now this business has been quite successful in affects the image of also affect decision the purchase of products greenlight in the community indonesia especially in bandung as a research .Methods used to research this is the method explanatory a survey of used in the quantitative , to define the connection between variable. Technique data analysis using analysis linear regression simple and analysis the correlation with the testing of hypotheses .Based on the research done , the result of the extent of the relationship between variable brand ambassador against purchasing decisions can be seen that the relationship between the variables of a Brand Ambassador of product purchase Greenlight of 75.5%. While the rest of 24.5% u2013% factor is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. Meaning of Ariel as a Brand ambassador is a great influence on the success of Greenlight in doing marketing with credibility, match, attraction, owned by Ariel brand ambassador product Greenlight.






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi