Pengaruh Store Atmosphere Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Dakken Coffee & Steak Bandung


  • Karen Valentine Telkom University
  • Arry Widodo Telkom University


ABSTRACT Many things that are considered by consumers in choosing a particular cafe. Each customer has different expectations. Expectations should be able to be stimulated so that the emergence of pressure to make it happen in the form of a purchase action. One factor that can be a stimulus is Store Atmosphere. This study was conducted using quantitative methods. Data was collected through questionnaires with a sample of 100 people using the Non-Probability Sampling technique by convenience sampling. Data were analyzed with multiple linear regression analysis using statistical software SPSS 20. The results showed that the coefficient of determination shows R square of 0,763 which is means that Store Atmosphere affects the purchase decision for 76,3% and the remaining 23,7% is influenced by other factors that were not examined in this study. In the F test, Store Atmosphere affecting the purchasing decisions proved by F value of 76,495. In the T test, is known that Exterior variable (X1) affect of 12,35%, General Interior (X2) of 40,77%, Store Layout (X3) of 34,75%, and Interior Display (X4) of -11,49%. From the study, it can be concluded that Store Atmosphere simultaneously affecting the purchasing decision of Dakken Coffee & Steak Bandung and partially the most influencing variables on the purchasing decision is General Interior such as flooring, lighting, wall color, temperature, aisle space, store personnel, technology, and cleanliness. Keywords: Store Atmosphere, Purchase Decision






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis