Analisis Perbandingan Risiko Pembelian Melalui Online Store Dan Offline Store Di House Of Smith


  • Kevin Aryo Nugraha Telkom University
  • Maya Ariyanti Telkom University
  • Sumrahadi Sumrahadi Telkom University


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan risiko pembelian melalui online store dan offline store di House of Smith dengan variabel financial risk, product risk, time risk, social risk dan security risk. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif deskripstif, dengan tipe penyelidikan komparatif. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 400 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 400 responden yang dibagi menjadi 200 responden online store House of Smith dan 200 responden offline store House of Smith. Data yang ada dianalisis menggunakan bantuan program SPSS versi 23. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa risiko pembelian melalui online store lebih tinggi dibanding dengan offline store, juga terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pembelian melalui online store dan offline store. Kata kunci : online store, offline store, risiko pembelian, perbandingan, e-commerce.

This research aims to know the comparative risk of purchase through the online store and offline store at House of Smith with a variable financial risk, product risk, time risk, social risk and security risk. Research methods used deskriptif quantitative and the type of research is comparative. The sample used in this study amounted to 400 people. Data collection was done through the dissemination of questionnaires to 400 respondents are divided into 200 respondents online store House of Smith and 200 respondents offline store House of Smith. The data were analyzed using SPSS program version 23. The results of this study indicate that the risk of purchase through the online store are higher compared to offline store, there are also significant differences between the purchase through the online store and offline store. Keywords: online store, offline store, purchasing, risk comparison, e-commerce.






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)