Faktor Demografi Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Nasabah Pt. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Menggunakan Layanan Bri Mobile


  • Okta Rahmatanto Telkom University
  • Gadang Ramantoko Telkom University


Abstrak Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) adalah salah satu bank terbesar milik pemerintah Indonesia dengan 32,8 juta nasabah di seluruh Indonesia. Meskipun memiliki nasabah terbanyak di Indonesia, banyak nasabah belum menggunakan BRI mobile yang mampu meningkatkan efeksifitas dan fleksibilitas. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor utama yang mempengaruhi nasabah BRI menggunakan BRI mobile. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) modifikasi dengan alat pengumpulan data kuesioner yang disebar di D. K. I Jakarta. Data diolah menggunakan teknik analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) aplikasi AMOS. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy dan Social Influence berpengaruh Positif terhadap Behavior Intention dan Facilitating Conditions berpengaruh positif terhadap Use Behavior. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pihak BRI sebaiknya meningkatkan kinerja BRI Mobile agar dapat lebih baik lagi, membuat BRI Mobile mudah dipelajari sehingga nasabah dapat menyarankan orang terdekatnya menggunakan BRI Mobile. Selain itu, sebaiknya BRI memperhatikan sumberdaya dan pengetahuan teknologi yang dimiliki nasabah, memberikan pengarahan tentang layanan BRI Mobile kepada calon pengguna layanan BRI Mobile.

Kata kunci: Bank, BRI, Mobile Banking, (UTAUT) modifikasi, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Abstract Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) is one of the largest Indonesian government-owned banks with 32.8 million customers across Indonesia. Despite having the largest number of customers in Indonesia, many customers have not yet used BRI mobile that can increase the effectiveness and flexibility. The study was conducted to determine the main factors affecting BRI customers using BRI mobile. This study uses a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model with a questionnaire data collection tool that is distributed in D. K. I Jakarta. The data were processed using AMOS's Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis technique. The results revealed Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy and Social Influence Positive Influence to Behavior Intention and Facilitating Conditions positively affect Use Behavior. Based on the results of the research, the BRI should improve the performance of BRI Mobile in order to make it even better, making BRI Mobile easy to learn so that customers can advise their closest people to use BRI Mobile. In addition, BRI should pay attention to technological resources and knowledge of customers, provide guidance on BRI Mobile services to potential users of BRI Mobile services.

Keywords: Bank, BRI, Mobile Banking, UTAUT, SEM






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)