Makna Patriotisme Pada Karya Foto Jurnalistik Julian Sihombing Dalam Buku Split Second, Split Moment
ABSTRAK Foto merupakan salah satu media penyampaian pesan, karena memiliki kemampuan menangkap setiap momen penting di kehidupan. Momen yang diambil mengandung nilai dan makna. Buku Split Second, Split Moment merupakan buku karya Julian Sihombing semasa menjadi seorang jurnalis foto. Buku ini dibuat untuk mengenang fotografer Julian Sihombing yang sudah wafat dengan nilai dan makna yang mendalam di kehidupannya. Makna dan nilai yang terkandung dalam buku ini adalah Makna Patriotisme. Patriotisme adalah rasa cinta, bangga, rela berkorban kepada negara Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Penulis menggunakan Semiotika Roland Barthes sebagai teknik penelitian. Hal ini berguna untuk membantu peneliti dalam meneliti “Makna Patriotisme Pada Karya Foto Jurnalistik Julian Sihombing Dalam Buku Split Second, Split Momentâ€, dengan meneliti 5 foto yang ada didalam buku tersebut yang meng mengandung makna patriotisme berbagai jenis antara lain patriotisme ekstrim, patriotisme moderat, patriotisme kosong, dan patriotisme etis. Kata Kunci: Foto Jurnalistik, Patriotisme, Semiotika Roland Barthes.
ABSTRACT Photos is one of the media delivery of messages, because it has the ability to capture every important moment in life. The moments taken contain value and meaning. Split Second Book, Split Moment is a book by Julian Sihombing as a photojournalist. This book is made to commemorate the photographer Julian Sihombing who has died with value and profound meaning in his life. The meaning and value contained in this book is the Meaning of Patriotism. Patriotism is a feeling of love, proud, willing to sacrifice to the state of Indonesia. This research is a qualitative research with constructivist paradigm. The author uses Roland Barthes Semiotics as a research technique. This is useful to help researchers in researching "The Meaning of Patriotism in Julian Sihombing Journalism Photo In Split Second Book, Split Moment", by researching 5 photos contained in the book that contain the meaning of patriotism. Halini is seen through the semiotics of Roland Barthes that focus on the signs that are in the photo. The result of this research is connotation, denotation and myth. the meaning of denotation in photojournalism is the meaning that describes the patriotism of some aspects that exist in the photo, the connotation meaning of the 5 images analyzed is the meaning of patriotism from the signs contained in the photo of Journalism, while the meaning of myth which is the meaning of the struggle of patriotism in terms of different. The meaning of patriotism in the 5 journalistic photos in the book Split Second, the Split Moment gained is the value of courage, willing to sacrifice, social solidarity, abstinence, and self-confidence containing the meaning of patriotism of various types such as extreme patriotism, moderate patriotism, empty patriotism, and ethical patriotism . Keywords: Photo Journalism, Patriotism, Semiotics Roland Barthes