(pengaruh E-wom Credibility, Quality, Quantity Pada Minat Beli Dengan Peran Mediasi Citra Perusahaan Dalam Facebook The Body Shop Indonesia)


  • Syifa Nadzratul Aini Telkom University
  • Dinda Amanda Zuliestiana Telkom University


Abstrak Industri kecantikan banyak melakukan promosi melalui media sosial, hal tersebut dilakukan karna banyaknya minat konsumen yang melihat produk melalui media sosial. Sosial media memiliki kekuatan konten yang cukup kuat sebagai referensi konsumen dalam mendapatkan informasi lebih mengenai sebuah alat komunikasi dan pemasaran ini. Dengan pertumbuhan pengguna internet yang terus bertambah word of mouth sering digunakan untuk marketing suatu produk tak terkecuali The Body Shop Indonesia Indonesia, word of mouth lambat laun di tinggalkan konsumen karna jangkauanya tidak menyeluruh, lebih efektif electronic word of mouth (e-wom). Citra perusahaan juga merupakan hal yang penting karena kontribusinya dalam memilih merek yang cocok untuk digunakan. Oleh karenanya dilakukanlah penelitian mengenai pengaruh e-wom credibility, quality, quantity yang dirasakan pada minat beli dengan mediasi citra perusahaan. Objek penelitian adalah mahasiswa dan mahasiswi di Indonesia yang mengetahui The Body Shop Indonesia Indonesia dan pengguna facebook. Yang menjadi sampel sebanyak 385 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Partial Least Square structural equation (PLS-SEM) dengan Variabel E-wom Credibility (X1) , E-wom Quality (X2), E-wom Quantity (X3) , Citra Perusahaan (variabel mediasi) dan Minat Pembelian (Y) Kata kunci : E-wom Credibility, E-wom Quality, E-wom Quantity, Citra Perusahaan dan Minat Pembelian Abstract Many beauty industries promote through social media nowadays, this is done because of the many interests of consumers who see products through social media. Social media has the power of content that is strong enough as a reference for consumers to get more information about this communication and marketing tool. With the growing number of internet users word of mouth is often used for marketing a product, including The Body Shop Indonesia, word of mouth is slowly being abandoned by consumers because its reach is not comprehensive, which replaced by more effective way through electronic word of mouth (e-wom). The corporate image is also important because of its contribution in choosing the right brand to use. Therefore a study was conducted on the effect of e-wom credibility, quality, and perceived quantity on buying interest by mediating the corporate image. The object of research is students and students in Indonesia who know The Body Shop Indonesia and Facebook users. The sample was 385 respondents. This study uses Partial Least Square structural equation (PLS-SEM) and analysis with E-Wom credibility Variable (X1), E-wom Quality (X2), E-wom Quantity (X3), Corporate Image (mediation variable) and Purchase Interest ( Y). ISSN : 2355-9357 e-Proceeding of Management : Vol.6, No.1 April 2019 | Page 1 Keywords : E-wom Credibility, E-Wom Quality, E-Wom Quantity, Company Image and Purchase Interest.






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)