Pemanfaatan Media Baru Dalam Strategi Komunikasi Csr (studi Deskriptif Csr Blood Donation Di Best Western Premier Solo Baru) : New Media Use In Csr Communication Strategy (descriptive Studies Of Csr Blood Donation In Best Western Premier Solo Baru)


  • Rizky Laili Afifah Telkom University
  • Amalia Djuwita Telkom University


Abstrak Pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responbility (CSR) dilaksanakan secara tidak maksimal karena hanya diimplementasikan sebagai bentuk telah memenuhi tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Berdasarkan Riset Centre for Governance, Institutions, and Organizations National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School, Indonesia memiliki indeks kualitas implementasi CSR sebesar 48,4 dari angka 100. Salah satu perusahaan yang memenuhi kewajiban pelaksanaan CSR di Indonesia adalah Best Western Premier Solo Baru yang bergerak dibidang perhotelan. Best Western Premier Solo Baru merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang baru-baru ini mendapatkan penghargaan dari laman web berbasis travelling yaitu Traveloka TripAdvisor sebagai Exeptional Guest Experience 2017 dan Certificate of Excellent 2018. Perushaaan ini berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan dari platform media digital dengan dimana para konsumennya membuat ulasan sehingga Best Western Premier Solo Baru memiliki predikat tersebut. Banyaknya pengguna platform media digital yang membuat ulasan mengenai Best Western Premier Solo Baru ini membuat peneliti ingin mengetahui mengenai bagaimana Best Western Premier Solo Baru memanfaatkan media baru dalam strategi komunikasi CSR Blood Donation Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post-positivisme dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan peneliti dapat mengetahui bahwa dalam strategi komunikasi CSR Blood Donation, Best Western Premier Solo Baru memanfaatkan media baru seperti Instagram, Whatsappp Messenger, Portal Berita Online, dan E-Mail. Media-media tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh Best Western Premier Solo Baru ketika implementasi pada strategi komunikasi CSR yaitu dalam merumuskan tujuan, target sasaran, pesan, instrumen dan kegiatan, sumber daya dan skala waktu, evaluasi dan amandemen.

Kata Kunci: Corporate Social Responbility, Media Baru, Strategi Komunikasi CSR

Abstract The implementation of Corporate Sosial Responsibility (CSR) was implemented not optimally because it was only implemented as an agreed form of Corporate Sosial Responsibility. Based on the Research Center for Government, Institutions, and Organizations of the National University of Singapore Business School (NUS), Indonesia has a CSR implementation quality index of 48.4 out of 100. One company that fulfills the requirements for implementing CSR in Indonesia is the Best Western Premier Solo Baru engaged in hospitality. Best Western Premier Solo Baru is one of the companies that recently won an award from traveling-based webpage, Traveloka and TripAdvisor as an Exeptional Guest Experience 2017 Certificate of Excellent in 2018. The company managed to get an award from a digital media platform with its customers making a rating of the Best Western Premier Solo Baru. Many users of the digital media platform that made a review of the Best Western Premier Solo Baru made researchers curious about how Best Western Premier Solo Baru using new media in the CSR Blood Donation communication strategy. This study used the post-positivism paradigm with qualitative research methods through descriptive studies. From the results of research that has been done on CSR Blood Donation communication strategies, the Best Western Premier Solo Baru uses new media such as Instagram, Whatsappp Messenger, Online News Portal, and E-Mail. These media are utilized by Best Western Premier Solo Baru, a compilation of implementations on CSR communication strategies, namely in formulating goals, objectives, messages, instruments and activities, resources and timescale, evaluation and amendments.

Keywords: Corporate Sosial Responsibility, New Media, CSR Communication Strategy






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi