Strategi Pengembangan Produk Baru Bisnis Party Partner


  • Ibnu Muhamad Azmi Telkom University
  • Eka Yuliana Telkom University


Abstract Through this research will be the development of the product bunting flags to be examined, so the flag bunting product has other uses than just be rubbish after use in a celebration party. The method in this research using qualitative methods, techniques of data collection using semi-structured interviews. Interviews in the study carried out to consumers who buy the products PARTY PARTNER bunting flags, from the consumers who buy the flag bunting taken nine participants to be interviewed bunting flags related to product development. The research shows, to make the product development bunting flags, PARTY PARTNER should change the flag into paper lanterns, paper lanterns that have a unique value so PARTY PARTNER will have more value offered to consumers and can continue to compete with its competitors. Keywords : Strategy, New Product Development, Bunting Flag






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)