Analysis Of The Factor Driving The Purchase Decision Of Male Skin Care Product (study On Facial Wash Garnier Men)


  • Muhammad Adani Khalaffathin Telkom University
  • Marheni Eka Saputri Telkom University


ABSTRAK Face and body care have been done by many men to appear confident and become a demand for the work they are doing. The growth of the male beauty industry from year to year has increased and it is estimated that 75% of men do not use facial and skin care products, but interest in facial care continues to increase. So, that there are several driving factors, why men decided to use facial care products for men. This study aims to find out the most dominant factors driving the purchase on Garnier Men facial wash products. The variables used in this study are, analysis of the factors driving the purchase of men's skin care products in Garnier Men facial wash (X) belief in product attributes, aging effect, health concern, self-image, sense of belonging, self-fulfillment, male image, masculinity. The research method used is the quantitative method, this type of research is causal with a sample of 100 respondents and the population is not known with certainty, sampling is done by non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling grouping, descriptive analysis method, and factor analysis. The analysis shows an analysis of the factors driving the purchase of male skin care products (study on Garnier Men facial wash) (X) obtained by two components, namely health concern with a value of 0.808 and a component of the second factor which is aging effect with a value of 0.906. So, that the biggest driving factor for purchasing men's skin care products in Garnier Men facial wash is the health concern. Keywords: Aging effect, factor analysis, Garnier Men, health concern, skin care






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis