Design Bus Occupant Detection and Counting System Based on IoT


  • Apriana Dewi Kusnawati Telkom University
  • Muhammad Mufi Ahdallah Telkom University
  • Farid Agam Azali Telkom University
  • Junartho Halomoan Telkom University
  • porman Pangaribuan Telkom University


Abstract—Automation transportation can be a solution to a public bus transportation in Indonesia, because seeing the social phenomenon that bus management suspects dishonesty from the operation of the bus. Suspicion in the form of payment income that is not in accordance with the number of passengers of the bus. From this case, bus management need a system to check the correct number of passengers, but still consider the passenger comfort. To solve this case a concept of automated system that count and detect the bus occupant based on Internet of Thigs (IoT) was created. This system would facilitate, ensure information accuracy and provide the accuracy of data for the bus manager so that it can minimized cheating on bus operational. This can also increase the profits of the bus companies and will raise automation in the field of public transportation in Indonesia. Keywords—Occupant Detection, System Autiomation, IoT


