Design of a MIMO Antenna for Broadband 5G Using Stepped Cut at Four Corners Method


  • Muhammad Yoga Fadilah Telkom University


Abstract—A MIMO antenna using SCFC Method for the Broadband 5G communication is proposed in this paper. The proposed antenna consists of two antenna, it operating at 14000- 16000 MHz. The antenna designed in this letter are different from any design of 5G antennas, the antenna of this paper is used based on operating frequency and bandwidth requirement , it can be applied for the IOT technology needed. According to the simulation results, a total bandwidth of the antenna is 2.348 MHz, and the VSWR is 1.26 with Gain 1.23 dB over the band- frequency of 1400016000 MHz, it will met the needs of IOT for future 5G applications. Index Terms—Stepped Cut at Four Corners, 5G operation, MIMO antenna


