Journal of Information Technology Literacy
Journal of Information Technology Literacy (JITLIT) is a scientific publication journal managed and published by Telkom University Open Library. This scientific publication journal aims to increase knowledge and understanding in the field of information technology, informatics and information systems. This journal can be a platform for researchers, educators, practitioners, learners and also the general public to explore topics related to the latest information technology innovations and the impact of technology
Telkatika: Jurnal Telekomunikasi Elektro Komputasi & Informatika
Jurnal Telkatika is published by Telkom University Open Library by applying good publishing standards to ensure the quality and integrity of published articles. Jurnal Telkatika presents original research works that have sustainability value in the fields of Telecommunications, Electrical, Computing and Informatics. Every article submitted to Jurnal Telkatika will be checked for similarity.
eProceedings of Applied Science
e-Proceedings of Applied Science is a media for publishing scientific work by vocational graduates from Telkom University. Uploaded scientific papers will go through inspection procedures (reviewers) and approval from the relevant supervisor.
eProceedings of Art & Design
e-Proceedings of Art & Design is a media for publishing scientific work by graduates of Telkom University which contains Art & Design studies. Uploaded scientific papers will go through inspection procedures (reviewers) and approval from the relevant supervisor.
eProceedings of Engineering
e-Proceedings of Engineering is a media for publishing scientific work by graduates of Telkom University which contains technical studies. The uploaded scientific articles have gone through an academic hearing process, approval procedures from relevant supervisors and checks by editors. E-Proceeding allows researchers, academics, and practitioners to share their research results in digital form, which can be easily accessed via the internet.
eProceedings of Management
eProceedings of management is a media for publishing scientific work by graduates of Telkom University which contains Art & Design studies. Uploaded scientific papers will go through inspection procedures (reviewers) and approval from the relevant supervisor.
Proceeding of International Seminar & Conference on Learning Organization