Pengaruh Digital Influencers Dan Electronic Word Of Mouth Terhadap Online Engagement (studi Kasus Pada Akun Instagram @myrubylicious, 2020)


  • Nur Islahwati Telkom University
  • Sampurno Wibowo Telkom University


ABSTRAK Rubylicious merupakan sebuah bisnis kecil dan menengah yang bergerak di industri fashion ritel yang berpusat di kota Bandung. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui persepsi followers dari Instagram myrubylicious tentang pengaruh Digital Influencers dan Elektronik Word of Mouth terhapap Online Engagement, serta pengaruh parsial dan simultan Digital Influencers dan Elektronik Word of Mouth terhadap Online Engagement. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan variabel Digital Influencers sebagai variabel bebas (X1) dan Elektronik Word of Mouth sebagai variabel bebas (X2), dengan berpengaruh kepada Online Engagement (Y). Peneliti menggunakan objek Instagram @myrubylicious, dengan studi kasus kepada followers Instagram @myrubylicious. Populasi adalah followers Instagram @myrubylicious, dengan sampel responden 100 orang. Metode yang digunakan ialah analisis penelitian deskriptif dengan jenis data kuantitatif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Regresi Linear Berganda. Hasil temuan dari peneliti adalah variabel independen yaitu Digital Influencers dan Elekrtonik Word of Mouth memiliki pengaruh terhadap variabel Online Engagement sebesar 22%, sisanya sebesar 78% dijelaskan dengan faktor atau variabel lain, seperti celebrity endorse, konten post Instagram, serta feed design dari @myrubylicious. Kata Kunci : Digital Influencers, Elektronik Word of Mouth, Online Engagement ABSTRACT Rubylicious is a small and medium-sized business engaged in the retail fashion industry based in the city of Bandung. The purpose of this study, to know the perception of Instagram's followers myrubylicious about the influence of Digital Influencers and electronic Word of Mouth Online Engagement, as well as the partial and simultaneous influence of Digital Influencers and electronic Word of Mouth against Online Engagement. This study was conducted using the Digital Influencers variable as a free variable (X1) and electronic Word of Mouth as a free variable (X2), with effect to Online Engagement (Y). Researchers use Instagram objects @myrubylicious, with case studies to Instagram followers @myrubylicious. The population is an Instagram follower @myrubylicious, with a sample of respondents 100 people. The method used is the analysis of descriptive research with quantitative data types. The data analysis technique used is a double Linear regression analysis. The findings of the researcher are the independent variables of the Digital Influencers and the elecrtonic Word of Mouth have an influence on the Online Engagement variable by 22%, the remaining 78% is explained by other factors or variables, such as celebrity endorsement, Instagram post content, as well as a feed design from @myrubylicious. Keyword: Digital Influencers, Elektronik Word of Mouth, Online Engagement






Program Studi D3 Manajemen Pemasaran