Game Android: Kemana Kita? Game Angkot Berbasis Android


  • Muhammad Azis Lutfi Telkom University
  • Mochamad S. Sucahyo Telkom University
  • Sovy Fajrianti Telkom University


Abstrak Kemana Kita? merupakan sebuah permainan edukasi berbasis Android yang mengangkat tema angkot di wilayah Bandung. Dalam sistem game Kemana Kita? memiliki fitur-fiturseperti memilih wilayah yang ingin dimainkan dan melihat info trayek angkot di wilayah Bandung. Perbedaan game Kemana Kita? dengan game lainnya dari segi tema yang diangkat yaitu menggunakan trayek yang ada di wilayah Bandung. Selain itu, pemain dapat mengetahui point of interest dari Bandung. Saat memulai permainan, pemain diharuskan mematuhi semua rambu- rambu yang ada selama di jalan raya. Sehingga, selain mendapakan info mengenai trayek angkot di wilayah Bandung, diharapkan pemain dapat mendapatkan nilai-nilai edukasi yang terdapat pada game Kemana Kita? Kata Kunci: sistem, trayek, game Abstract Where We Go? is an educational game based on Android that is the theme of public transportation in the area of Bandung. In the game system Where We Go? has features such as selecting the area you want to play and see info stretch of public transportation in the area of Bandung. Differences game Where We Go? with the other games in terms of the theme is to use the existing stretch in Bandung. In addition, players can find a point of interest of the Bandung. When starting the game, players are required to comply with all the signs are there for on the highway. Thus, in addition player get info on the route of public transportation in the area of Bandung, expected players can get the values of education contained in the game Where We Go? Keywords: system, stretch, game






Program Studi D3 Teknik Informatika