Kualitas Pelayanan Di Gendis Restaurant Hotel Santika Premiere Kota Harapan Indah Bekasi 2018


  • Siti Fatimah Telkom University
  • Umi Sumarsih Telkom University
  • Edwin Baharta Telkom University


ABSTRACT Quality service is a form of activity that carried out by a company in order to fill the consumers expectation, because quality service is crucial and have a direct impact will company’s impact. A bad quality service will cause a company can’t compete in industrial world. In short, quality service give an impact for culinary industry. This research is based on service quality in Gendis Restaurant Hotel Santika Premiere Harapan Indah City that has not been qualified as good based on guests complain such as, guests have to wait too long to get their foods, waiter don’t clean up the restaurant table when it have to and the variety and taste of restaurant foods are less satisfactory. Author used a quantitative method to value this problem with questionnaire, observation and interview as the technique of data collection. As a result about quality service value in Gendis Restaurant Hotel Santika Premiere Harapan Indah City Bekasi, there are the results which the quality service in Gendis Restaurant has meet three of five dimension of quality service. This research is expected to give positive feedbacks for the restaurant and hotel so the quality service in Gendis Restaurant Hotel Santika Premiere Harapan Indah City Bekasi can increase highly.






Program Studi D3 Perhotelan