Analisis Efektivitas Iklan Sosial Media Instagram Menggunakan Metode CRI ( Customer Response Index ) Pada Sunny Side Coffee


  • Hendro Lois Marpaung Telkom University
  • Sri Widaningsih Telkom University


Perkembangan industri Coffee Shop di Indonesia sedang meningkat pesat
mengikuti arus trend meminum kopi pada beberapa tahun belakang ini. Dengan semakin ketat
nya persaingan antar industry Coffee Shop di Indonesa terutama di Kota Bandung, maka
mendorong para pemasar untuk membuat strategi pemasaran dalam bentuk E-Marketing
(Elektronik Marketing) menyusul perkembangan teknologi di era global ini. Ada banyak cara
perusahaan mempromosikan produk mereka, salah satunya yaitu melalui iklan. Penelitian ini
dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat Efektivitas Iklan Sosial Media pada Instagram Sunny Side
Coffee dengan menggunakan metode CRI ( Customer Relationship Management). Metode CRI
adalah analisis yang digunakan untuk mengukur efektivitas iklan dengan menggunakan lima subvariabel yaitu Awareness (kesadaran), Comprehend (pemahaman), Interest (ketertarikan),
Intentions (niat), Actions (tindakan). Penelitian kali ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif analisis. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode nonprobability sampling jenis purposive sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 100
responden. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, masing-masing dimensi mendapatkan poin
dengan dimensi Awareness memiliki persentase 100%, Comprehend 83%, Interest 91.16%,
Intention 90.86% dan Action75.38%. Dan Nilai CRI sebesar 75.38% dapati disimpulkan iklan
instagram sunny side coffee efektif karena nilai CRI lebih besar dari nilai Unaware,No
Comprehend, No Interest, No Intention, No Action.
Kata Kunci : Efektivitas Iklan, Metode CRI, Media Sosial, Instagram

The development of the Coffee Shop industry in Indonesia is increasing rapidly following the
current trend of drinking coffee in the past few years. With the increasingly fierce competition
between the Coffee Shop industry in Indonesia, especially in the city of Bandung, it is
encouraging marketers to make marketing strategies in the form of E-Marketing (Electronic
Marketing) following the development of technology in this global era. There are many ways
companies promote their products, one of which is through advertising. This study was
conducted to determine the level of effectiveness of Social Media Ads on Instagram Sunny Side Coffee using the CRI (Customer Relationship Management) method. CRI method is an analysis used to measure the effectiveness of advertisements using five sub-variables namely Awareness (awareness), Comprehend (understanding), Interest (interest), Intentions (intentions), Actions (actions). This research uses quantitative methods with the type of descriptive analysis research.
Sampling was conducted using a non-probability sampling method with a purposive sampling type with a total of 100 respondents. Based on the results of data processing, each dimension gets points with Awareness dimension having a percentage of 100%, Comprehend 83%, Interest 91.16%, Intention 90.86% and Action75.38%. And the CRI value of 75.38% found that the Instagram sunny side coffee ads were effective because the CRI value was greater than the value of Unaware, No Comprehend, No Interest, No Intention, No Action.
Keywords: Customer Response Index, Instagram, Efectivity Ads






Program Studi D3 Manajemen Pemasaran