Kinerja Karyawan Pastry Department Dalam Menghasilkan Produk Berkualitas Di Hotel Grand Aston City Hall Medan Tahun 2020


  • Desy Nataline Br Hutagalung Telkom University
  • Dendi Gusnadi Telkom University
  • Ratna Gema Maulida Telkom University


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang kinerja karyawan dalam menghasilkan produk berkualitas di Hotel Grand Aston City Hall Medan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dalam penelitian ini bagian pastry Hotel Grand Aston City Hall Medan. Metode penelitian dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif berdasarkan teori dan penelitian terapan di lapangan. Pengumpulan data digunakan untuk mendapatkan rincian yang berkaitan dengan penelitian melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian dan diskusi menunjukkan bahwa kinerja karyawan divisi pastry Hotel Grand Aston Grand City Hall Medan dipengaruhi oleh tiga faktor yaitu : kelengkapan perlengkapan kerja yang digunakan, kerjasama antar sesama karyawan, serta loyalitas waktu dan dalam meningkatkan kualitas produknya, divisi pastry Hotel Grand Aston City Hall Medan menetapkan beberapa hal yaitu : menjaga standar rasa produknya, standar penyimpanan, standar dan kebersihan penggunaan alat, serta kualitas bahan yang digunakan. Ini ditunjukkan oleh kinerja pastry karyawan yang dapat menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas terbaik. Semua operasional yang terkait bagian kue maka penelitian ini menghasilkan kinerja karyawan divisi pastry sudah baik. Kata kunci: Bagian Kue, Produk berkualitas, Kinerja Karyawan ABSTRACT This study discusses the performance of employees in producing quality products at the Grand Aston City Hall Hotel, Medan. Data collection was conducted in this study pastry section Hotel Grand Aston City Hall Medan. Research methods with qualitative descriptive analysis based on the theory and applied research in the field. The collection of data is used to obtain the particulars relating to the research through observation, interviews, documentation and literature. From the results of research and discussion shows that performance of employees in the hotel pastry Grand Aston City Hall Medan is influenced by three factors: the completeness of work equipment used, cooperation among fellow employees, as well as time loyalty and in improving the quality of its products, the pastry division of Grand Aston City Hall Medan stipulates several things, namely: maintaining the standard of taste of its products, storage standards, standards and cleanliness of the use of tools, as well as the quality of materials used. This is demonstrated by the pastry perfomance of employees who can produce the highest quality products. All operations related to the cake section, this research in good pastry division perfomance of emoloyee . Keyword : Pastry Section, Quality Product, Performance of employee






Program Studi D3 Perhotelan