Recomera: Aplikasi Berbasis Pengenalan Wajah Dan Augmented Reality Yang Terhubung Dengan Profil Media Sosial Pada Smart Glasses Untuk Mengenali Lawan Bicara
Abstract-- Since the development of social networking at this time everyone can easily get other people's information. Even as technology develops, applications that are connected to social networks also develop. Therefore, an idea based on face recognition and augmented reality application that is connected with social media profiles on smart glasses is identified to recognize the other person. This research was implemented on smart glasses to capture the user's face. Every movement of the face to the left, right, up and down will also be recognized by the camera until it matches the user's face match. When a face is recognized, the program will search for the same face data. The presence of Augmented Reality works when making faces as markers to display social media information from face recognition. Keywords : Social networking, Facial recognition, Augmented reality, Camera, Information##submission.downloads##
Program Studi D3 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi