Pengaruh Kenyamanan Dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Loyalitas Go-jek Di Bandung Tahun 2017 (studi Kasus Pada Pelanggan Go-jek Di Bandung)


  • Wisnu Adhi Nugroh Telkom University
  • Rahmat Hidayat Telkom University


Bandung is one of the tourist city both from domestic and international, in line with the development of one of GO-JEK online transportation. The high intensity of competition and the needs of consumers so GO-JEK improve services on GO-RIDE services. The increase is done to provide convenience for consumers. In addition, the company also tries to maximize in maintaining consumer confidence, which will lead to loyalty. The method used is descriptive verification research by using quantitative approach. Nonprobability sampling method with purposive sampling technique using Bernoulli formula with the number of respondents is 100. Based on the results of descriptive analysis known that the responses of respondents to the convenience of service GOJEK amounted to 81.56%, 84.88% and customer loyalty of 80.9%. The result of F test obtained by value of F arithmetic is 27,724> F table 3,090, so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, meaning there is significant relation between comfort and trust to customer loyalty. Meanwhile, the T test results (0.05> 0,000) which means that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, which means there is a significant influence between comfort and trust on customer loyalty. R square result that is equal to 0,364 or 36,4%, which means influence of comfort and trust variable have weak effect to customer loyalty variable. Keywords: Comfort, Trust, and Customer Loyalty so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, which means there is a significant relationship between convenience and trust to customer loyalty. Meanwhile, the T test results (0.05> 0,000) which means that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, which means there is a significant influence between comfort and trust on customer loyalty. R square result that is equal to 0,364 or 36,4%, which means influence of comfort and trust variable have weak effect to customer loyalty variable. Keywords: Comfort, Trust, and Customer Loyalty so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, which means there is a significant relationship between convenience and trust to customer loyalty. Meanwhile, the T test results (0.05> 0,000) which means that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, which means there is a significant influence between comfort and trust on customer loyalty. R square result that is equal to 0,364 or 36,4%, which means influence of comfort and trust variable have weak effect to customer loyalty variable. Keywords: Comfort, Trust, and Customer Loyalty which means there is a significant influence between convenience and trust on customer loyalty. R square result that is equal to 0,364 or 36,4%, which means influence of comfort and trust variable have weak effect to customer loyalty variable. Keywords: Comfort, Trust, and Customer Loyalty which means there is a significant influence between convenience and trust on customer loyalty. R square result that is equal to 0,364 or 36,4%, which means influence of comfort and trust variable have weak effect to customer loyalty variable. Keywords: Comfort, Trust, and Customer Loyalty






Program Studi D3 Manajemen Pemasaran