Aplikasi E-recruitment Pegawai Baru Dan Pengelolaan Data Pegawai Berbasis Web (modul Rekruitasi Pegawai Baru) (studi Kasus: Pikiran Rakyat Bandung)


  • Vivi Rizqia Telkom University
  • Reza Budiawan Telkom University
  • Suryatiningsih Suryatiningsih Telkom University


Proses rekrutmen merupakan proses pencarian tenaga kerja baru yang dilakukan di perusahaan. Proses rekrutmen terbagi kedalam beberapa proses sehingga proses rekrutmen membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Proses-proses umum yang terjadi di perusahaan ketika rekrutmen pegawai baru adalah adanya serangkaian tes yang harus dilalui oleh calon pegawai sebelum pegawai tersebut dinyatakan sebagai pegawai baru di suatu perusahaan. Seperti halnya di Perusahaan Pikiran Rakyat, proses rekrutmen pegawai baru masih terbilang cukup lama serta tes yang dilakukan oleh calon pegawai belum terkomputerisasi atau masih menggunakan kertas jawaban. Untuk membantu proses rekrutmen serta tes calon pegawai baru di Pikiran Rakyat dibutuhkan aplikasi yang dapat memberikan informasi lowongan kerja, pendaftaran, tes maupun kelulusan secara informative sehingga, dibangun aplikasi e-recruitment dan pengelolaan data pegawai dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP serta dengan sistem basis data MySQL. Aplikasi yang dirancang dengan berbasis web ini dapat membantu calon pegawai maupun HRD dalam proses rekrutmen serta seleksi. Kata Kunci : Rekrutmen, Tes, Berbasis Web, Terkomputerisasi. The recruitment process is a process of finding new workforce that is done in the company. The recruitment process is divided into several processes so that the recruitment process takes a long time. Common processes that occur in companies when recruiting new employees is a series of tests that must be passed by prospective employees before the employee is declared as a new employee in a company. As in the Pikiran Rakyat Company, the recruitment process for new employees is still quite long and the tests conducted by prospective employees have not been computerized or still use answer papers. To assist the recruitment process and test new prospective employees in Pikiran Rakyat, an application is needed that can provide information on job vacancies, registrations, tests and graduations informally so that an e-recruitment and employee data management application is built with the PHP programming language and MySQL database system. The application designed with this web-based can help prospective employees and HRD in the recruitment and selection process. Keywords:Recruitment,Test,Web-Based,Computerized.






Program Studi D3 Manajemen Informatika