Studi Komparasi Operasional The 18th Restaurant, The Restaurant, Dan The Lounge Di The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung 2018


  • Denia Zahra Telkom University
  • Umi Sumarsih Telkom University
  • Ersy Ervina Telkom University


Abstrak: Restoran adalah penunjang revenue di hotel setelah penjualan kamar. Di The Trans Luxury Hotel terdapat 3 restoran yaitu The Restaurant, The Restaurant dan The Lounge. Ketiga restoran tentu saja memiliki Standar Operasional Prosedur yang berbeda, operasional dan pelayanan di ketiga restoran tersebut pun berbeda. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis ingin melakukan komparasi operasional ketiga restoran di The Trans Luxury Hotel dengan mencari tahu Standar Operasional Prosedur dan aspek yang berkaitan dengan operasional seperti langkah kerja, jumlah karyawan, konsep restoran, jenis menu, pelayanan, jam operasional, segmen pasar, target pendapatan dan kapasitas restoran. Penulis juga ingin mengetahui dining experience dari tamu yang berkunjung ke The 18th Restaurant, The Restaurant dan The Lounge di The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis yaitu deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Standar Operasional Prosedur di ketiga restoran tersebut sudah sesuai standar yang sudah ditetapkan. Dari segi operasional, setelah dilakukan komparasi pada ketiga restoran tersebut masing-masing memiliki perbedaan yang cukup signifikan dalam operasional. Dining Experience dari tamu di ketiga restoran pun tentunya berbeda-beda di setiap restoran. Dari studi komparasi ini dapat terlihat perbedaan antara The 18th Restaurant, The Restaurant dan The Lounge di The Trans Luxury Hotel. Kata-Kata Kunci : Operasional Restoran, Studi Komparasi, The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung Abstract: Restaurants are revenue support in hotels after room sales. At The Trans Luxury Hotel there are 3 restaurants namely The Restaurant, The Restaurant and The Lounge. The three restaurants of course have different Operating Standards Procedures, operations and services in the three restaurants are also different. In this study, the author wanted to make operational comparisons of the three restaurants at The Trans Luxury Hotel by finding out the Operational Standards Procedures and operational related aspects such as work steps, number of employees, restaurant concept, menu type, service, operating hours, market segments, targets restaurant income and capacity. The author also wants to know the dining experience from guests visiting The 18th Restaurant, The Restaurant and The Lounge at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung. The research method used by the author is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques observation, interviews and documentation studies. Standard Operating Procedures in the three restaurants are in accordance with the standards set. In terms of operational, after the comparison of the three restaurants each had a significant difference in operations. Dining Experience from guests in all three restaurants is certainly different in each restaurant. From this comparative study you can see the difference between The 18th Restaurant, The Restaurant and The Lounge at The Trans Luxury Hotel. Keywords: Restaurant Operations, Comparative Studies, The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung






Program Studi D3 Perhotelan