Redesign of Rumentang Siang Bandung Art Building with an Adaptive Reuse Approach


  • Gilang Assa Ichwanto Telkom University
  • Akhmadi Telkom University
  • Hendi Anwar Telkom University


The Rumentang Siang Arts Building is one of the performance buildings that is still active in the city of Bandung, even though the facilities are outdated. This building was originally built as a cinema and was converted into a cinema. The city of Bandung is a city with a variety of developing arts and artist communities. The city of Bandung has more than 887 types of art spread across various studios, communities and hermitages. Even though the city of Bandung is so rich in art, the problem faced is the lack of suitable and adequate performance buildings. This is a problem because there is limited space and land that can be used to build new performance buildings due to the dense population in this city. Optimizing existing buildings can be one solution to anticipate and facilitate the increasing number of arts activists. With so many art performances being held, the Rumentang Siang Building, which is one of the heritage buildings used as a performance hall, will only become increasingly burdened. The adaptive reuse approach is usually used in heritage buildings in their preservation so as not to reduce the historical value of the building. The design of the Rumentang Siang performance building is expected to create a performance building that has adequate facilities and accessibility to facilitate Bandung City arts activists as well as designing a renewable performance building while maintaining historical and cultural values.

Keywords: performance hall, adaptive reuse, hertage building.


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Program Studi S1 Desain Interior