Pengaplikasian Teknik Block Printing dan Tie Dye dengan Inspirasi Motif Porselen Arsitektur Keraton Kanoman Pada Produk Fesyen Womenswar


  • Tasya Olivia Nanda Telkom University
  • M. Sigit Ramadhan Telkom University


Abstract Decorative textiles are a branch of creative arts that includes any method for applying color
or design to a sheet of fabric in which there are several techniques for decorating cloth. The
development of decorative textile techniques carried out by kana goods,shibotics and varoliwells by
combining two decorative textile techniques in his works. Therefore, to provide a variety or new
innovation it is necessary to incorporate decorative textile techniques to produce more explorative
sheets of fabric. One of them, combining block printing and tie dye techniques to obtain a more
explorative composition. With the making of a combination of block printing and tie dye techniques
with motif inspiration from Knoman palace porcelain, where the motifs found of Kanoman palace
porcelain were then distilled and recomposed so as to create new, more modern motifs and will be
proven in textile materials into fashion products. Followed by material experiments, motives and
compositions to visualize each block printing and tie dye character. exploration results are
implemented into fashion ready to wear deluxe products with design references based on target market
analysis, namely chinese women’s clothing for formal and non formal events.
Keywords Decorative Textile Engineering, Block Printing, Tie Dye, Ready To Wear, Kanoman






Program Studi S1 Kriya