Konsep Upcycle Sebagai Alternatif Solusi Pemanfaatan Limbah Kebaya Lama


  • Hana Hanifah Telkom University
  • Arini Arumsari Telkom University


ABSTRACT Kebaya is one of the characteristical women's clothing from Indonesia that develop continuously. As time goes by, there are new elements that influences the development of kebaya, which makes the look of kebaya more modern and luxurious. By the development of design innovations in kebaya fashion, it causes the kebaya consumer demand on kebaya providers are continue to change. In the end, fashion kebaya that is no longer used becomes waste due to its old-fashioned design. This research was conducted to find out the stages of utilizing kebaya waste from kebaya provider or house of kebaya using upcycle concept. The purpose of it is to reprocess the kebaya waste materials which still have good quality back into the production cycle for the sustainability of it’s use. The conclusion of this research is utilization of old kebaya waste by using upcycle method can be in the form of combining some old kebaya waste materials by using textile surface design and fabric manipulation technique. Keywords: upcycle, kebaya waste, surface design.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode