Perancangan Promosi Skincare Wardah Halal Haji & Umroh
Saat ini, perkembangan dunia kecantikan sedang hangat dibicarakan dikalangan wanita, salah satu
bentuknya brand lokal yaitu, Wardah cosmetic. Wardah brand cosmetic yang mencantumkan label halal
dalam kemasan produknya. Produk yang luncurkan salah satunya adalah Skincare Wardah Haji & Umroh.
Semua produk Wardah berhasil mempromosikan sampai ke target audience yang diinginkan akan tetapi
untuk produk Wardah Haji & Umroh promosi yang dilakukan masih kurang sampai ke target audience.
Namun ternyata produk ini kurang diketahui karena kurangnya sebuah komunikasi langsung kepada
masyarakat luas dan media yang mengakibatkan komunikasi yang mengakibatkan rendahnya awareness
terhadap produk ini. Perancangan ini dibuat untuk mempromosikan produk Skincare Haji & Umroh yang
memilki tujuan agar target audience aware dan melakukan pembelian terhadap produk ini. Produk ini sendiri
memberikan benefit yang cocok dengan semua jenis kulit. Perancangan promosi ini menggunakan beberapa
metode penelitian kualitatif, metode analisis SWOT dan AISAS.
Kata Kunci : Promosi, Cosmetic, Skincare, Halal, Haji & Umroh
Indonesia is a country that is pre-dominantly with Moeslem (Muslim). At present, the development of the world of
beauty is warmly being talked about among women, one of the forms is Wardah cosmetic brand. Wardah cosmetic is
one brand that meets Muslim needs, because it includes a halal label in the packaging of its products. Wardah itself
has various products ranging from beauty and skin care. One of the products launched is Skincare Wardah Hajj &
Umroh. All Wardah products have successfully promoted to the target audience, but Wardah Hajj & Umroh products
are still less interested in their sales. This happens because of lack of promotion by producers to the target audience
through media which results in low knowledge of this product.. This design was created to promote Wardah Hajj &
Umroh Skincare products that want to carry out the Hajj and why the target audience is buying this product. The target
audience is expected to remember this product with a Wardah vision that wants to meet the needs of Muslim women
and the product provides non-alcoholic benefits and is listed as LPPOM-MUI's halal label on its packaging. The design
of this promotion uses several qualitative research methods, such the AISAS analysis method.
Keyword : Promotion, Cosmetic, Skincare, Halal, Haji & Umroh