Aplikasi Teknik Crochet Dengan Inspirasi Bunga Anggrek Bulan Pada Produk Fashion


  • Intan Cantika Putri Telkom University
  • Citra Puspitasari Telkom University


Abstract Indonesia is one of the countries with many traditions and biodiversity. Especially for flora such as Moon Orchid flower as one of the flowers included as Indonesian National Flower as ‘Puspa Pesona’. So that the Moon Orchid Flower has the potential to be developed because it represents the identity of Indonesia. Then, from the matters of the research is focused on the application of crochet techniques inspired by Moon Orchid flower on fashion product to represent the identity of moon orchid flower as an icon of Indonesian National Flower. Fashion product is inspired by Moon Orchid flower by using the technique of crochet.

The methods that are used in this research was qualitative in the form of literature study, analysis based on observations of crochet techniques and modest wear. Also doing an interview with the party concerned about the matters. Then continued by exploring the crochet technique and mixed material to visualize character of Moon Orchid flower. The exploration result then developed into modest wear exclusive semi-formal fashion product. The characteristic of Moon Orchid flower is manifested in a simple and elegant piece of clothing, presented through material types and soft color such as; white, beige, yellow, and green.

Keyword : Keyword : Crochet, Modest Wear, Moon Orchid Flower.






Program Studi S1 Kriya