Eksplorasi Denim Menggunakan Laser Flexi Pro Untuk Produk Women’s Modest Wear


  • Nada Shofiyah Telkom University
  • Widia Nur Utami Bastaman Telkom University


Abstract Denim products are increasingly explorative with fascinating motifs. There are several factors that make denim fashion in Bandung grow, namely, the availability of resources and facilities such as denim centers at Tamim street and the existence of Pro Flexi Laser Technology from Jeanologia. And in 2017, Bandung was inaugurated as Modest Fashion City. With all the potential possessed by Bandung, there is an opportunity to improve denim material to be used as modest wear products. Denim will be explored by adding motive composition using flexi pro technology so that it is more explorative. The research methodology carried out is a qualitative method by collecting data such as observation, literature study, experiment and interviews. The benefits of this study are to provide insight into the existence of flexi pro technology, provide new references in making motives, and add variations in design to the market.

Keywords Denim, Flexi Pro, Modest Wear






Program Studi S1 Kriya