Eksplorasi Teknik Sulam Menggunakan Benang Tukel Pada Kain Tenun Gedog


  • Iklima Nur Nazmi Telkom University
  • Fajar Ciptandi Telkom University


Abstract Weaving is one of Indonesia's cultural assets which has its own variety and uniqueness, one of which is woven gedog. Weaving gedog is a traditional weaving authentic from the Regency of Tuban. Gedog weaving has unique characteristics such as weaving thickness, rough weaving texture, and rough weaving structure. As time goes on, the existence of gedog weaving has decreased due to less varied innovations and the application of gedog weaving which tends to be limited, especially in fashion products. Adding an innovation is one carried out was by exploring gedog weaving with an “rekalatar†technique. The exploration process is carried out by adding an imbuh application in the form of embroidery using tukel yarn to maintain the solution to overcome the problem of decreasing the existence of gedog weaving. One of the innovations uniqueness of the Gedog Tenun material. The results of this study aim to utilize the visual characteristics of gedog weaving to become a fashion product with the theme of the greatness or pride of the people of Tuban.

Keyword: Gedog woven fabric, tukel yarn, embroidery






Program Studi S1 Kriya